
college/vocational work. Prepare to work hard but have fun learning. You will have homework outside reading. WELCOME TO Botany/Zoology!! This is an upper level class to prepare you to go to

REQUIRED MATERIALS: Colored Pencils, Assorted color highlighters, NOTECARDS, large spiral notebook, binder, and your textbook.


·         This is a higher level science elective. You will be expected to work!

·         Expect ME to have very high expectations of you.

·         Come prepared for class, bringing all necessary materials and completed homework.

·         Show respect for others, refraining from disruptive behavior.

·         Contribute to the class with constructive questions and comments.

CLASS RULES:     1) Be responsible for your actions.

                                 2) Be respectful of others learning.

                                 3) Keep your questions and comments on the topic being discussed.

Failure to follow these rules will result in: 1) detention, 2) parent notification, and 3) referral to the Principal


Quizzes will be given weekly.


Tests will cover an entire unit and will occur approximately every 2-4 weeks.

Homework assignments are due the next class period unless otherwise stated.


Exams will be comprehensive, covering all topics studied during the semester.


Formal Presentation will be made by each student on certain topics.


GRADING: Performance will be based on a percentage of total points earned in each category. Class grading will be based on the following types of assignments with these approximate weights:

               Unit tests                40%

               Quizzes                  20%

               Labs                      20%

               Homework            20%

               Semester Exam     10%

               of final grade       


GRADING SCALE: The grade scale used follows:

               A        100-90%

               B         89-80%

               C         79-70%

               D         69-60%

               F         59-0%




Late work will be accepted from excused absences according to HHS policy. All other late work will be accepted for half (1/2) credit. Please see me with any questions.


STUDY HINTS: Biology is a detailed course. Therefore, it is necessary to master the material as it is presented; it cannot simply be studied before a test and forgotten. With this in mind, doing the following will greatly enhance your chances for success in this class:


1) Dedicate some time to review the material of this class each day. We will be applying concepts each day from reading/ content of the lessons.


2) Complete homework and related reading assignments. PERIOD.


3) Write down questions on items you don't understand and ask questions!!! I am here to help!!


Finally, don't let others do your work for you--it is your responsibility and you won't have them to help on a quiz or exam.


My contact information: HHS School phone (580) 726-5611, my email


Updated by: Heaven King 8/21/17

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