Contact information:


My personal page





1st Hour: Biology
2nd Hour: Biology
3rd Hour: Biology
4th Hour: JH Athletics

Lunch 11:40- 12:25

5th Hour: Biology
6th Hour --- Planning Period
7th Hour: HS Athletics






About My Class




REQUIRED MATERIALS: Textbook, Notebook, and Pencils.


What is Biology class about:


This course is to help you understand the study of life and all the processes apart of it.


  • Definitions are given every chapter, and of the whole chapter.

  • Definition quizzes.

  • Chapter assessments.

  • Chapter outlines.

  • Handouts and worksheets.

  • Tests are given after every chapter is completed.



                    A: 100-90%

                    B: 89-80%

                    C: 79-70%

                    D: 69-60%

                    E: 59-0%



  • You are expected to work.
  • Come prepared for class.
  • Homework must be completed when asked for.










Updated By: Eric Rudkins
