





EMAIL: stocktonk@hobart.k12.ok.us

Karrie Stockton:

Congratulations DISTRICT Teacher of the Year 2023-2024

School should be a safe and fun place for a child. I believe strongly in the Golden Rule and I think that if teachers expect to be shown respect from their students, they should treat their students with respect as well. I feel that respect is a two-way street. I respect my students and they in turn show me respect. I am also very open with my students. I tell them that I care about them, and because I care, I work hard to make sure they learn the required skills, such as reading and math, but I also teach my students life skills. I talk to them about choices and attitude. I want my students to know that even through they have no say or choice in certain situations that happen to them, they do have a choice in how they choose to deal with it and the attitude they choose to have concerning their situation. I use discipline in my classroom, not punishment. I want my students to learn from their mistakes and make better choices because they know the difference between right and wrong. I want every student I teach to leave my classroom knowing they are cared for and that I think they are a person of value. I want them to leave feeling confident and self-assured so that they are ready to go into the future with their heads held high.





7:45-8:00  Breakfast

8:00-8:15 Announcements, Calendar/ Math meeting

8:15-9:15 Math Lesson

9:15-9:55 Music/P.E./Recess

9:55-10:35 Phonics

10:35-11:10 Grammer

11:10-11:15 Reading/AR Testing/Finish morning work

11:15-12:00 Lunch Recess

12:00-12:45 Basal Reading

11:45-12:15 Journals/Handwriting

12:45-1:15 Computer

1:15-1:45 Spelling

1:45-2:00 Reading/AR Testing/Check out new books in the Library

2:00-2:15 Recess

2:15-2:45 Journal/ Penmanship

2:45 All bus riders leave

2:50 All 2nd graders will be dismissed using the East or North exits.

If you need to speak to me, I will be available from 9:15-9:55 daily at 726-5665. Any other time, please leave a message at Ext #201, and I will return your call A.S.A.P.









Updated by: Trapper Martin 12/12/23