Welcome To Mrs. Martin's Class!!!

EMAIL: martinj@hobart.k12.ok.us

About Me

My name is Jillian Martin. I attended college at SWOSU and have a degree in early childhood education. I am now teaching 2nd grade and I am looking forward to an awesome year! I have 2 boys & my husband is a teacher and a coach. I stay busy going to all their events. I love to read and spend time with my family. 


7:45-8:00 Breakfast

8:00-8:05  Announcements
8:05-9:15 Math
9:15-9:55 PE/Music/Recess
9:55-10:25 Phonics
10:25-10:55 Grammar
10:55-11:20 Reading/Ar test/Finish work/wash hands 
1120:-12:00 Lunch/Recess
12:00-12:15 Read Aloud
12:15-12:45 Computer Lab
12:45-1:30 Basal Reading
1:30-2:00 Spelling
2:00-2:15 Recess
2:15-2:30 Journals/penmanship
2:30-2:45 Art/Read/Catch-up
2:45- Dismiss Bus Riders
2:50 - 2nd Graders Dismissed using East or North doors
List of Events:
  Trick or Treating













Edited By: Trapper B. Martin 8.14.23