Hi my name is Sherri Funkhouser, and I am the Elementary Counselor.

I have taught for 24 years, and this is my first year as a Counselor. I graduated from Hobart High School in 1993, and then went to Southwestern Oklahoma State University. I received my bachelors degree in Elementary Education and my masters in Counseling. I am married to Dusty Funkhouser, and we have two children. Clay is a Junior in OSU, and Faith is in 12th grade.

You can contact me @ funkhousers@hobart.k12.ok.us

Upcoming Events:
Geography Bee: November 29- December 3.
Spelling Bee: December 6-10.

Hobart Elementary Counselor
District ELL Coordinator
4th and 5th Grade Academic Coach
Elementary Spelling Bee Coordinator
Elementary Geography Bee Coordinator

Updated by Reyna Cousin 11-10-21